
🎉 Austin English New Student Orientation Is Here!

📅 日期 | Date:2/15 (四 | Thu)

⏰ 時間 | Time:2pm – 4pm

📍 地點 | Location:奧斯汀美語/松山區民生東路四段55巷32號

🌟 完整體驗課程與詳細介紹 | Full Course Experience & Introduction

👩‍🏫 外師體驗課 | Demo Class with Native Teacher

由 Mrs. Valentina 帶領,沉浸全英文教學,激發孩子語言學習潛能!

Led by Mrs. Valentina, immerse in an all-English environment to unlock your child’s language potential!

🎨 創意手作課程 | Fun DIY Activity


Create your own “Manual Marble Slide” to spark creativity and logical thinking through fun craft activities!

📚 課程全面解說 | Comprehensive Course Overview


Discover how our English and after-school programs can help your child achieve academic success and holistic growth!

✨ 名額有限,立即加LINE報名! | Limited Slots Available – Sign Up via LINE Now!


Parents and new students are warmly invited to join us for this exciting opportunity to start their English learning journey!

📞 聯絡我們 | Contact Us

📞 0800-001-000

📲 Line@: https://lin.ee/1CkPAno

📸 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/austin.english.mm

👍 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Austin.English.MM

🌞 官方網站 | Website: https://austin-english.com/





